Bowlsnet is an external Results Reporting system built specifically for Crown Green Bowling Leagues. It has been built, developed and is supported by crown green bowler Steve Blaymire from Lancashire. More than 200 leagues now use this service for which a modest annual charge is made by the developer. It provides instant updates to league tables, KO competitions, bowler averages as results are submitted online by clubs. It provides a wealth of reports and in-depth statistics to satisfy the most ardent of bowlers.
Click on the League you are interested in to go straight to the homepage of that League.
You can then view previous years' records by clicking on 'LIVE' in the bottom right corner.
Bowlsnet FAQ
(Frequently Asked Questions)
Last Updated: 21 March 2022
BOWLSNET MASTERCLASS: How to set up your own personal playing record
1. How do I access Bowlsnet?
2. Do I need a password to access Bowlsnet?
3. Can I look at averages, results and tables for previous seasons?
4. I play in four leagues who all use Bowlsnet. Is there a quick way of accessing all four leagues?
5. Can I use Bowlsnet on my smartphone and tablet?
6. Can I view Singles and Pairs results separately and Combined?
7. What does the orange shading on match results signify?
8. How can a bowler's record show Played 20 Won 9 Lost 10? It doesn't add up.
9. Can I make the text bigger?
1. How do I access Bowlsnet?
The quickest way is to use the links in the menu item Bowlsnet at the top of every page on this website. These will take you directly to the correct point in your league.
2. Do I need a password to access Bowlsnet?
No you don't. There is completely open access to view any of the Results, Fixtures, Tables, Player Averages. You only need a Username and Password to input match results.
3. Can I look at results, averages and league tables for previous seasons?
Yes you can. We have records going back to 2014 online. In the bottom right hand corner you will see a 'LIVE' button. Click on that and select the season you wish to view. Click on it again and select 'LIVE' to return to the current season.
4. I play in four leagues who all use Bowlsnet is there a quick way to gain access to them all?
Yes there is. Go to http://www.bowlsnet.uk/ and click on 'My Bowlsnet' and from there you can select each of the leagues you want to follow. Add that page to your favourites and then they will all be waiting for you each time you access that favourites link. This will also provide you with a complete record of every match you have played this season providing season-long totals. [See also Bowlsnet Masterclass at the foot of this page]
5. Can I use Bowlsnet on my smartphone and tablet?
Yes you can. Use your smartphone or tablet browser, connect to Bowlsnet as normal as the site is now even more mobile friendly. You can also set up 'My Bowlsnet' as per the instructions in FAQ 4.
6. Can I view Singles and Pairs results and averages separately and Combined?
Yes you can. All singles, Pairs and Combined averages are available from within the 'Averages' menu button. So select AVERAGES from the top left menu. If you are just wanting averages for one team then select TEAM from top right menu and then select the team name. Go to the right hand menu in the top line and select ALL for combined totals. Select the single button or pairs button as you require.
7. What does the orange shading on match results signify?
This indicates that this team has still to VERIFY that match result. That is the equivalent of signing the Result Card to confirm the result. The result is still posted but this verifying tidies up the administration of that match.
8. How can a bowler's record show Played 20 Won 9 Lost 10? It doesn't add up.
Where a bowler has been gifted a match 21-0 by a Walk-Over that bowler gets credited with playing the match but does not get credited with a 21-0 scoreline to boost their average. Hence the difference in that total. If you look back over that bowler's results for the season you will find that they had a Walk-Over match at some point.
9. Can I make the text bigger on Bowlsnet?
Yes you can. Use the + and - buttons on the top right hand menu.
A Step-by-Step Guide to setting up your personalised individual playing record on one page regardless of how many leagues you play in.
Go to the My Bowlsnet home page
Click on the large MY BOWLSNET button in the centre of the screen
The heading of this page is now My Bowlsnet. From the top menu click on All Leagues
This page lists in alphabetic order all 200 leagues that use Bowlsnet. Find a League that you bowl in and wish to add to your personal record. Click on the '+' sign in the right-hand column. Repeat Step 4 until you have selected all Leagues you wish to include.
Click on My Leagues from the top menu. This will show a list of all the Leagues you have selected for inclusion in your personal record. You can deselect any of these at any time by clicking on the '-' sign in the right-hand column.
Click on the League Name at the top of your list and it will take you directly to the Bowlsnet homepage of that League.
Click on the blue Head & Shoulders silhouette in the top left-hand corner.
A User Information box will appear. Lower down on your Bowlsnet page is a red box titled 'Your Team (click to set)'
9. Click anywhere on the red box on your Bowlsnet page
10. Scroll down the list until you find your team then click on that team name.
11. A new red box will appear entitled 'Your Name (click to set)'
12. Click anywhere in that red box
13. Scroll down the list until you find your name then click on your name
14. The User Information box should reappear with 3 green boxes.
15. Go back to Step 5 and repeat Steps 5 to 14 for each League that you wish to add.
Your system is now set up and you can access it anytime you like by
Go to the My Bowlsnet home page
Click on the large MY BOWLSNET button in the centre of the screen
The heading of this page is now My Bowlsnet. From the top menu click on My Results.