League Matters
Scroll down for League Officials and League Rules
The Huddersfield Winter League was 15 months in the making before finally holding its first set of fixtures on 6 October 2020. Problems finding winter greens, ill-will with the Veterans League and the COVID-19 pandemic all contrived to halt its creation, all eventually overcome.
League Officials

Mike Ralph

Jeff Jacklin

Bob Haigh

Glynis Philbin

Alan Hobson

Michelle Booth

Robert Tracey

Jim Baxter

Robert Whiteley
Host club representatives on the Management Committee

Barbara Peacock
Milnsbridge BC

Martin Holt
Lindley Lib

John Pix

Ray Tunnacliffe
Netherton Con

Thorpe Green

Joanna Birch
Huddersfield RUFC
Contact Us
Mike Ralph (Springwood)
6 Dryclough Avenue, Beaumont Park HD4 5JU
Tel: 652700 Mobile: 07407 360 055
Email: ralphmj040143@gmail.com
Jeff Jacklin (Kirkheaton Con)
47 Rowley Hill, Fenay Bridge HD8 0JF
Mobile: 07968 171 197
Email: jefftheref2000@yahoo.co.uk
Bob Haigh (Huddersfield Recreation Club)
502 Leeds Road, HD2 1YW
Mobile: 07818 056 236
Email: bob.haigh55@ntlworld.com
League Rules
As of 2 August 2024
The rule changes agreed at the 2024 AGM are marked in red
Definitions of words used in this set of League Rules
Council – Management Committee plus one representative per team
Management Committee – Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and up to six Committee members and one representative for each host club.
Game – a 21-up encounter between players from two teams
Match – all the games between two teams
The League
The name of the League is the Huddersfield Winter League.
The aim of the League is to organise team and individual competitions during the Winter season for teams in membership. In addition, the League and its member clubs will strive to promote and develop the sport of bowling to interested parties of all ages.
The League will support clubs in membership in whatever means is practical.
The Winter League season will normally be October to March.
The annual subscription shall be decided at the March Half-Year Meeting of the Council each year and payable not later than the AGM in July.
​Any club in the Huddersfield area shall be eligible for membership. Such club to be proposed and seconded by two member clubs and approved by the Management Committee before being admitted.
The League shall be governed overall by decisions of general meetings, which shall be attended by the following who shall constitute the Council, namely the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, the full Management Committee and one representative from each team. All attendees are entitled to one vote. Teams not represented at Council shall be fined £5.
At all meetings of the Council, 50% of the membership must be present to form a quorum.
At the A.G.M. in July the Council shall appoint a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and up to six committee members. In addition each club hosting League fixtures is entitled to have one representative on the Management Committee. The aforesaid shall form the Management Committee for the ensuing twelve months.
Two ordinary General Meetings shall be held annually, one in March (the End-of-Season Meeting) for the consideration of League Rules and the other in July (the AGM) for the presentation of annual accounts, election of officers, fixing of annual subscriptions and other business. The Management Committee shall have the right to call a Special General Meeting at any time.
​The Secretary shall convene a Special General Meeting at any time, on receiving a requisition to that effect, signed by the representatives of not less than four clubs in membership or, by decision of the Management Committee. Such requests to state the purpose of the proposed meeting.
When a Special General Meeting has been properly sanctioned the Secretary must organise such a meeting within 28 days of receiving the request. Notice of the meeting along with the business to be conducted must then be circulated to all clubs in membership at least 21 days in advance of the meeting date.
The Management Committee shall meet at any time deemed necessary, for the purpose of the day to day management of the League affairs. At all meetings of the Management Committee three members must be present to form a quorum
All matters shall be decided by majority vote of those present. All teams in the League are entitled to one vote.
Deleted at AGM 22 July 2021
Suggested rule changes from clubs must be proposed and seconded in writing from two clubs and must be received by the Secretary 28 days prior to the March meeting. Rule changes may also be recommended by the Management Committee. All proposals will be circulated to all clubs at least 21 days in advance of the meeting date. ​
Fines not paid within 28 days shall be doubled
The League to consist of the number of sections determined by the Management Committee. In the event of a points tie the season’s ‘Aggregate For’ scores will determine the outcome. In the event of the teams still being level then the ‘Aggregate Difference’ (i.e. ‘Aggregate For’ minus ‘Aggregate Against’ will determine the positions).
A host green team cannot be relegated from the division it plays in unless it opts to do so. In addition any team can elect not to be promoted but all its players will begin their games on minus 2 points in the following season. Should they again win promotion the following season then the handicap will be doubled to minus 4 points in each game and doubled each subsequent season.
All match results will be submitted online and must be completed by the first-named club within 48 hours of completion of the match.
Failure to supply the results as per rule will result in a £5 fine for each such infringement.
Any team playing an ineligible bowler in a League match shall lose that game 0-21. Clubs and players transgressing this rule may be fined as determined by the Management Committee.
Only the host club can postpone fixtures due to the condition of the green. In such instances, the host club will inform each club’s named contact by 10.00am on match day.
The Secretary will rearrange any postponed fixtures.
Each club will nominate a League Representative and a Team Captain who can be the same person.
Match Play
Clubs must register teams to be entered into the League by the first Monday in July and the Management Committee will meet on the second Monday in July to determine the composition of the League.
All players in the League must be 60 years of age or over. If 60 years of age during the season, they may play from their 60th birthday. The League is open to bowlers with no restrictions or limits on the number of each gender in any team.
Except with the permission of the Management Committee a bowler for a club in a Winter League team must have played at least one match for that club in the previous Summer League season unless they have just become age-qualified to play in the Winter League. The only exception to this is a single guest bowler allowed under Match Play Rule 4.
A maximum of one guest bowler who has joined a Winter League Club from another Winter League club or from a club that does not have a team in the Winter League will be allowed to play in any one match. More than one such bowler can be registered by a club.
4a -All bowlers including guest bowlers, must be members of the club they represent. All participating clubs must be registered with the BCGBA. Clubs must identify their guest bowlers when submitting information for registration purposes so that all guest bowlers can be identified on BowlsNet. -
Where clubs have more than one team in the League, bowlers will only be qualified to bowl in one of these teams in the season. Qualification being decided by playing for one of those teams.
No in-season transfers will be permitted except in special circumstances and only with the approval of the Management Committee.
League matches will be played on a day to be set by the Management Committee starting at 11.00am.
Teams will be of four bowlers.
Matches will consist of 2 Singles and 1 Pairs games.
The first named team in all fixtures shall lead with all 3 jacks and determine the running order of games. Once agreed changes can only be made with the agreement of both team captains.
Points will be awarded as follows:
- 2 points to the winner of each Singles and Pairs game.
- 2 points to the team with the highest aggregate score. In the event of a draw then each team will receive 1 point. This means that a total of 8 points are awarded in each match. -
Team and Individual KO competitions will be arranged as time allows in the Winter League calendar.
Top bowler averages will be determined by most games won and then by the best Average Difference score. Singles and Pairs totals will be combined. Bowlers must have played 60% of their team's matches to qualify.
The League’s financial year shall start on 1 April and end on 31 March each year.
League fees and prize money will be recommended to the teams by the Management Committee on an annual basis.
The Management Committee will work with the host club(s) to determine costs and payment of their green hire on an annual basis. Costs must be averaged out so that all teams contribute the same sum regardless of which green they play on.
The Treasurer will present annual accounts of League finances at the A.G.M. to all clubs for approval.
17 August 2024