
Management Committee Meeting Minutes
2020 2021 2022
Go to General Meetings of all Teams
Minutes of the Winter League Management Committee
held at Milnsbridge BC on Tuesday 29 November 2022
PRESENT: Mike Ralph (Springwood) (MR) Chairman
Jeff Jacklin (Kirkheaton Con) (JJ)
Bob Haigh (Huddersfield Recreation Club) (BH)
Michelle Booth (Lowerhouses) (MB)
Jim Baxter (Milnsbridge BC) (JB)
Robert Tracey (Almondbury BC) (RTr)
Geoff Dyson (Netherton Con) (GD)
Martin Holt (Lindley Lib) (MH)
John Pix (Springwood) (JP)
APOLOGIES: Glynis Philbin (Lindley BC) (GP)
Alan Hobson (Thorpe Green) (AH)
Ray Tunnacliffe (Netherton Con) (RTu)
1. Welcome
1.1 The Chairman welcomed members to the meeting especially Geoff Dyson who was standing in for Ray Tunnacliffe.
2. Finance Report
2.1 The Finance Report had been circulated with the agenda and Bob Haigh talked members through the headlines.
2.2 In summary the League currently has a balance of £883.02 with no commitments other than £5 per month bank charges.
3. Review of the season
3.1 The Chairman opened the topic by saying that he believed that the League had enjoyed a fantastic start to the new season with an increase to 40 in team numbers and the host clubs taking up the challenge admirably. He then invited the two new host clubs to bring their perspective to the discussion with MH responding first on behalf of Lindley Lib.
3.2 MH covered the opening weeks at Lindley Liberal Club where they had introduced coloured mats, a scoreboard and laminated food and drink tokens for the team bowlers. He went on to cover how they had provided food and drinks and how that had altered over the early weeks as they learnt what worked and what didn’t. MH indicated that they had benefitted very little from bar usage over this period but in general they were happy with how things were progressing.
3.3 GD spoke on behalf of Netherton Cons which was a similar report covering coloured mats and board which displayed the running order. He added that the only criticism they had received regarding the food was the absence in week 1 of a brown bread option for the sandwiches. He went on to add that the club will be providing a free pie ‘n’ peas lunch after the last match before Christmas to all the teams which they hope will be partly funded by a Christmas Raffle that they will run at the same time.
3.4 Further comments were forthcoming from members including praise for the organisation that both clubs had introduced to matchdays and the state of both greens which have both deservedly received many accolades. In addition it was noted that the food arrangements are developing as the weeks progress with things changed as lessons are learnt.
4. Winter Cup
4.1 This was the first meeting to consider the requirements for the 2022-23 Winter Cup competition and looked at the competition format, dates and venues.
4.2 It was agreed that the format should be the same as last year with individual KO competitions in each of the 5 divisions played on the same host greens used for League fixtures.
4.3 The options to run the competition immediately upon the ending of the League season (early to mid-February) or just prior to the start of the Summer season (late March) were both considered. Representation from the two greenkeepers present was firmly in support of them being played in February as a late March competition would clash with pre-Summer season work plans on the greens. The last set of fixtures is a different date for each division. It was agreed that the Qualifying Round to be played at each green should be the week following the end of that division’s League season.
4.4 It was agreed that the Final should be rotated around the host greens and that Springwood’s turn is 2023. Springwood indicated that the best day to host a Final for them would be a Sunday as more parking spaces are available on that day. The Final is provisionally arranged for Sunday 12 February 2023.
5. Rules Review
5.1 JJ outlined some issues that had surfaced regarding Match Play Rule 3 & 4 with some confusion about their interpretation. The correct interpretation was explained and BH suggested that future confusion could be avoided by a simple reversing of the order in the Rules Book of the two rules under scrutiny. On review members agreed to this and this change will be put forward to member clubs at the next General Meeting. ACTION: JJ
5.2 No further proposals for amendment to the rules were forthcoming at this time although JJ advised that the time to consider any changes should be nearer the date of the next General Meeting.
6. Trophies
6.1 A list of all the League’s trophies had been circulated including four new ones generously provided by Michelle Booth (The Tony Booth Memorial Cup), the Horsfall Family (The Dave Horsfall Memorial Cup), the Tracey Family (The Leonard Tracey Memorial Cup) and Lindley Liberal Club (The Arthur Tracey Cup). This will be presented to the Division 4 and 5 top bowlers and winners of their respective divisions.
6.2 A provisional list of small trophies to be presented to winning teams and individuals had been circulated and this totalled 37 trophies at an estimated cost of £447. The Treasurer indicated that this was not affordable and offered two alternatives.
a) Reduce the cost of the individual trophies or
b) Provide club trophies rather than individual trophies
This second option would provide, in addition to the perpetual trophy, for a single trophy to be retained by the club rather than individual trophies for 6 members of each Championship winning team. With an allocation of £40 for each of the five divisions would mean a saving of £160 on the total cost reducing it from £447 to £287 which was affordable. This was approved by the meeting.
7. Scoreboards
7.1 RT outlined a proposal to introduce improved communications to bowlers and spectators on matchdays. This involved bowlers on the green wearing different coloured tabbards and a new scoreboard system which would probably need building from scratch.
7.2 The principles were agreed by the meeting but it was recognised that getting bowler/team buy-in to the scheme was key to any success. RT was given the go-ahead to cost up the construction of a new scoreboard and consider the best way of attaining the support of teams to the proposal. ACTION: RT
8. Introducing OSCAR
8.1 JJ outlined another system for keeping spectators up to date with match scores and results. This is an electronic version based on the HuddWeb website. A standard posting contains an up to date moving scoreboard. Scores are available through smartphones and scores are updated at greenside through a smartphone. Scores and results are available to anyone accessing the HuddWed website.
8.2 There is no cost associated with any aspect of this service which is called OSCAR (Online Scores And Results system). Access to the test version of the system had been emailed to all Management Committee members.
8.3 The new Scoreboard system covered in Section 7 and OSCAR are separate systems and can be operated together or independent of each other. They are complimentary to each other. It is hoped to test drive the OSCAR system during December at one weekly League fixture venue, probably Netherton.
9. Any Other Business
9.1 Measuring: AH had asked for the subject of measuring be discussed in his absence. He believed that responses for measurers to come on to the green were being delayed due to a lack of measures being carried by involved teams. It was agreed that teams should be made aware that they should have a measure available at greenside for every match. The measuring of any end can be undertaken by anyone at greenside and is not the responsibility of the host club. The practice will be monitored over the remainder of the season before any decision is taken about introducing a rule to improve the situation. ACTION: JJ
9.2 Presentation Event: MH suggested that the League should consider having a dedicated end-of-season Presentation Event. Following discussions there was general agreement that this should be progressed with a view that an afternoon event would be better supported. MH and GD were invited to sound out their respective clubs to see if this is something that they would be prepared to host and what the cost implications might be. ACTION: MH, GD
Next Meeting
No date was set for the next meeting as the intention is to only call a meeting when matters require the attention of the full Management Committee.
The meeting closed at 11.50am.
A meeting of the Winter League Management Committee
was held at Milnsbridge BC on Thursday 24 February 2022
PRESENT: Mike Ralph, Chair (Springwood) (MR)
Jeff Jacklin (Kirkheaton Con) (JJ)
Bob Haigh (Huddersfield Recreation Club) (BH)
Glynis Philbin (Lindley BC) (GP)
Alan Hobson (Thorpe Green) (AH)
Helen Lambert (Springwood) (HL)
Jim Baxter (Milnsbridge BC) (JB)
Robert Tracey (Almondbury BC) (RT)
APOLOGIES: Michelle Booth (Lowerhouses) (MB)
Welcome & Introductions
1.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Robert Tracey from Almondbury BC who he was proposing should be co-opted on to the Management Committee (MC). This was supported by all and Robert’s name will be put before the clubs for full membership at the next General Meeting.
1.2 The Chairman also explained that Michelle Booth had expressed a desire to return to serve on the MC. He explained that Michelle had only resigned last month to enable her to become a full-time carer to her husband, Tony. Unfortunately Tony had subsequently passed on so releasing Michelle who would welcome the opportunity to rejoin the MC. This was supported by all members.
1.3 An offer to join the MC had also been received from Graham Hall of Rastrick BC. Again this offer was welcomed although there are no longer any vacancies requiring filling. This matter was put in abeyance until later in the meeting (see Minute 6.1).
Minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2022 & Matters Arising
2.1 The minutes were approved as a true record of the meeting.
2.2 (Minute 3.2) All the League’s trophies had now been purchased, engraved and delivered and were on display. All purchased within the approved budget.
2.3 (Minute 4) The Winter Cup: JJ reported that to date 61 entries had been received with 28 coming from Division 1 bowlers, 17 from Division 2 and 16 from Division 3.
2.4 Members agreed that the BCGBA Dress Code would be applied to Finals Day of the Winter Cup.
2.5 Members were also keen to improve the spectator experience on Finals Day and providing up to the minute scores along with identifying the bowlers would feature highly on their agenda for the event. GP offered the loan of scoreboards from Lindley BC to be used on Finals Day. ACTION: GP
2.5 A means of identifying bowlers was considered with a few options discarded before agreeing on the wearing of a coloured armband for one bowler in each match. This colour would be reproduced on the scoreboard and note of the colour coding and match details would appear in the programme. ACTION: JJ
2.6 RT suggested seeking out sponsorship of the competition or an element of it such as the armbands and he agreed to follow this up with TOG24 where he has a contact who may be helpful in progressing this. ACTION: RT
Finance Report
3.1 The Treasurer had circulated a report prior to the meeting outlining the present financial standing of the League and looking ahead to the costs associated with the 2022-23 season.
3.2 His recommendation to the MC was that League Fees should remain the same at £15 per team for the 2022-23 season. This was approved by the MC.
Green Fees
4.1 The current weekly green fees to clubs are set at £10 per four-man team. After discussion all three host greens indicated that they were satisfied with the present renumeration for the use of their greens. It was therefore agreed that green fees should remain the same for all the host clubs for the 2022-23 season.
4.2 The green fee provides access to the green, a raffle ticket per team member and hot drinks and biscuits. In practice all three host clubs have gone beyond tea and biscuits and all have different charging arrangements for the additional services. Such additional charges are purely at the discretion of the host clubs.
End of Season Meeting
5.1 It was confirmed that the End of Season Meeting of Clubs will be held at 2pm on Wednesday 23 March 2022 at Milnsbridge BC.
5.2 The agenda would be comprised of:
- minutes of the last General Meeting
- Finance report
- Rule changes
- Next season
- Presentation of trophies
- Draw for the opening rounds of The Winter Cup
5.3 The meeting is open to existing and prospective teams.
League Rule Changes
6.1 An amendment to a proposed change agreed at the meeting of 18 January 2022 was considered in the light of increased interest in people joining the Management Committee. It was agreed to change the composition of the MC for the future which would now be comprised of the three Officers (Chair, Secretary and Treasurer), up to 6 Committee members and a representative from each host club. This will be put before the clubs at the End of Season Meeting of Clubs.
6.2 After lengthy discussions on placing a rule change before clubs as regards the maximum mark distance it was agreed that a rule change would be placed before members at the End of Season Meeting and MC members would vote independently as there was no agreement on this issue.
6.3 A proposed rule change from Rastrick was considered. This would change the current arrangement of bowlers being registered with teams and they would become registered with clubs. Bowlers could then play for a higher placed club team as opposed to the current rule which only allows a bowler to play for one team in a season. The MC did not support this proposal and it is to be referred back to Rastrick to see if they wished to seek out a seconder and ask that it be added to the End of season list of proposed rule changes.
6.4 A proposed rule change from Denby Dale was considered. This would change the playing format of match days with staggered start times for matches. This was not supported by the MC because:
- it would extend match days quite considerably for the host clubs;
- it would damage raffle ticket sales with limited numbers around at draws;
- it would damage the community spirit of matchdays which have become
an important feature of them.
Again the proposal was referred back to the club to seek out a seconder if they wished to pursue it further.
Season 2022-23
7.1 JJ reported that he had received 10 new team applications to date, some formal, others verbally at present. This would mean at least one more division for 2022-23 and should the total number of teams in the League reach 46 then that would signal a Division 5 needing to be created. Teams have until 4 July 2022 to apply for membership for the coming season.
7.2 Two formal applications to become host greens for 2022-23 had been received from Netherton Con and Lindley Lib. Both were warmly welcomed and further meetings with each would be required to seek reassurance of their intentions and compliance with our minimum requirements. In addition agreeing the probable match days for each needs discussion.
7.3 All three of our existing host clubs have indicated that their greens would be available again for the 2022-23 season.
Huddersfield Development Scheme
8.1 MR briefly updated members with plans of the inter-league consortium which has now been named as the Huddersfield Bowling Development. A funded coaching scheme is well advanced in being arranged for March and then the resulting qualified coaches would be expected to lead some open days for new bowlers to be held at four venues on the Sunday (29 May 2022) of Bowls Big Weekend which is being promoted nationally by Bowls England.
The meeting closed at 3.55pm
Minutes of the Winter League Management Committee meeting
held on Tuesday 18 January 2022 at Milnsbridge BC
PRESENT: Mike Ralph (Springwood) (MR)
Jeff Jacklin (Kirkheaton Con) (JJ)
Bob Haigh (Huddersfield Recreation Club) (BH)
Glynis Philbin (Lindley BC) (GP)
Alan Hobson (Thorpe Green) (AH)
Helen Lambert (Springwood) (HL)
Jim Baxter (Milnsbridge BC) (JB)
Chairman’s Welcome
1.1 Mike Ralph (MR) welcomed Helen Lambert to her first meeting of the Management Committee(MC) and members supported his proposal that Helen should be co-opted on to the MC. MR informed members that Michelle Booth had reluctantly stood down to create the vacancy due to the ill-health of her husband which will demand all her time in the future.
Finance Report
2.1 The Treasurer updated members with the financial standing of the League and informed members that there was currently a balance of £436 in the account with no outstanding payments due.
2.2 He went on to look forward to the 2022-23 season and indicated he saw no reason to increase team League Fees for the 2022-23 season and that they should remain at £15 per team.
3.1 A written update on the position of acquisition of League trophies for the current season had been circulated prior to the meeting and is attached to these minutes. This showed that there is currently a balance of £245 with two trophies still to be funded from this total.
3.2 The Secretary was given approval to go ahead and make arrangements for the purchase of the remaining trophies. ACTION: JJ
The Winter Cup
4.1 Members discussed arrangements for the new individual knock-out competition and arrived at the following decisions:
- Qualifying Rounds will be played at each of the host greens
- Finals Day will be held at Milnsbridge BC on Thursday 14 April after Thorpe Green and Springwood withdrew from the process
- An entry fee of £3 per bowler was agreed. The host clubs would receive £2.50 of this fee with the remainder to help funding of any trophy and engraving costs.’
- In the event of there being a draw for the ‘two best semi-final losers then a number of deciding factors can be used at the discretion of the MC to determine who will progress through to Finals Day. These include aggregate count-back or a deciding match played on Finals Day prior to the Quarter-Final stage.
- An online Entry Form would be made available and BACS payment to be encouraged along with a cash option. Cheque payment would not be acceptable due to bank charges being introduced for such transactions.
- Handicaps of +2 for Division 2 bowlers and +4 for Division 3 bowlers were agreed for Finals Day only. Division 1 bowlers would be off scratch.
- The draw for the three Qualifying Rounds will be made at the End of Season General Meeting.
End of Season Meeting
5.1 The End of Season General Meeting of teams will be held at Milnsbridge BC at 1.30pm on Wednesday 23 March 2022.
League Rule Changes
6.1 A paper outlining three proposed changes to League Rules had been circulated and was discussed. Agreement was reached on the extent of the changes to be put before teams at the End of Season Meeting and this paper was updated and is attached to this record with the agreed wording.
6.2 The increase in the number of MC member places up to six is to support an anticipated increase in divisions to allow invitations to all host clubs to be represented on the MC.
6.3 Teams are to be invited to submit their own proposals for any rule changes in line with League Rule 12 with a deadline of 23 February being set for any such submissions.
Huddersfield Development Scheme
7.1 MR outlined a new initiative started by Richard Armitage, the General Secretary of the Veterans League, to bring all local bowling leagues together to undertake some joint working to promote bowling in the area and hopefully lead to an increase in the number of people playing our sport which could lead to more teams and bowlers in all our leagues.
7.2 The first meeting will take place on Thursday 20 January with MR and JJ having already agreed to represent the Winter League at this meeting.
7.3 There was a general discussion about the potential of this work with a number of positive suggestions put forward. MR and JJ will keep members informed of progress and developments. ACTION: MR/JJ
Review of Season to Date
8.1 There was general agreement that the season is progressing well with help from the mild weather allowing the fixture programme to remain on schedule and no major problems reported.
8.2 The 2 Singles and 1 Pairs match format appears to be working well although some of the Pairs matches have been very long so extending match days beyond the target of a 3pm finish. It was agreed to put forward a rule change to the End of Season meeting for a 11.30am start for matches in 2022-23 to support the original target of freeing up bowlers to undertake grand-parent duties of collecting grandchildren from school. ACTION: JJ
New Team Applications
9.1 JJ reported that he had received 8 or 9 new team applications to date and they were from Springwood C, Brockholes B, Netherton Con, Lockwood Con (1 or 2?), Golcar C&BC, RUBC, Thongsbridge, Moldgreen Con. Some of these had been formally received in writing, others were verbal at this stage but all those to be placed before the End of Season Meeting would be confirmed in writing before then.
9.2 There has also been interest from four clubs about becoming host greens for the 2022-23 season. Netherton Con being the one furthest developed and an application received in writing from them to that effect. The other expressions of interest coming from Jackson Bridge, Lowerhouses and Lindley Liberal.
9.3 An enquiry has been made to The Griffin as regards their green becoming available to support one of the new divisions next season and a response is still awaited.
9.4 The deadline for new teams to apply for membership for next season is Monday 4 July 2022.
The meeting closed at 11;50am
Notes of a meeting held at 10.00 am on
Wednesday 26 May 2021 at Milnsbridge BC
PRESENT: Mike Ralph (Springwood) (MR)
Jeff Jacklin (Kirkheaton Con) (JJ)
Michelle Booth (Lowerhouses) (MB)
Glynis Philbin (Lindley BC) (GP)
Bob Haigh (Huddersfield Recreation Club) (BH)
BH had circulated a Finance Report prior to the meeting which showed past and projected costs for 2021
Founders Trophy Finances
Founders Fund donations £520
Carried forward after purchase of Founders Cup (£235) £285
Purchase Founders Plate special offer inc engraving £45
Purchase and engrave Div 2 Shield up to £120
Purchase and engrave Div 3 Shield (if required) up to £120
Balance of Founders fund £00
General Fund
Carried Forward after YCGBA 2021 reduced fees of £20 paid £85
2021 Insurance due May (Estimate) £45
2021 Bowlsnet fee £10
Estimated Balance £30
This shows that we can complete our trial season and covid permitting start our first full season in 2021 with all fees paid and trophies in hand using only the start up donations and Founders Cup donations so far received.
The Treasurer went on to present options for the future financing of the League
So the question is how do we proceed going forward?
We don't want to be a league that sits on large amounts of "just in case" money but we will need to cover costs, which stand at around £80 per season in FEES. We will also have engraving costs for the trophies.
Current repeating annual costs are;
YCGBA fees £25 - Insurance £45 - Bowlsnet £10 Total £80
Engraving Trophies £10 per trophy (x4 if we have 3 Divs) £40 approx
Championship Winners momento (x6) £10 each £60 approx
Total estimate upto £200
So a bare minimum we need to raise is £200 per year.
If we are to offer 6 Individual momentoes to each divisional winning team that could be £60 per Division ( possibly 3 x £60 = £180) and this would be our biggest annual expense. I am assuming £10 per momento as the ones up to £5 did not look suitable.
We could give each divisional winning team £30 prize money (6 bowlers x £5) which would cost £90 for three divisions, half the cost of momentoes
Income Options.
1. Charge each team a one-off registration fee of say £10 per year (20 teams = £200)
2 Ask Bowlers or clubs for voluntary donations, (20 teams or bowlers donating £10 each we are covered but this is not a yearly guaranteed income)
3 Ask for sponsorship but that may come with conditions such as naming of the League/Trophy etc.
4 A Levy System per bowler has been suggested
Each option was discussed in turn with preference going towards Option 1 with a set annual fee to be charged for each team in the League. This was further discussed and a fee of £15 per team will be placed before the AGM for the approval of clubs for the 2021-22 season.
As previously mentioned a Founders Cup has been purchased at a cost of £285 and there is the option to purchase a Silver Plate fully engraved at a reduced cost of £45. It was agreed that this option should be taken up. The Founders Cup was passed around for member’s inspection.
3. 2021-22 SEASON
Member’s thoughts turned to the coming season and how to progress the make-up of divisions. It was agreed that:
- Divisions would be created based on playing records
- Matches will be played on a Monday or a Wednesday to avoid clashing with the Hove Edge Winter league
- We have offers from 3 more greens to act as hosts for matches next season and the preferred order that they will be progressed was agreed.
- The problem of accommodating host club requirements as regards playing dates and the availability of their catering and hosting teams has to be addressed once the number of teams is known but can best be accommodated by using two different dates each week
- Start time of matches was agreed as 12noon
- Match format will revert to the original model of 2 x Singles and 1 Pair
- The League is now open for new teams to join the League with a deadline of 5 July set as per the League Rules
Members considered a range of proposed changes to the League Rules most of which have been suggested by bowlers through the online survey earlier in the year. These were all discussed in turn and decisions made on each, which will all be presented to the clubs at the Annual Generals Meeting.
The date of the Annual General Meeting was provisionally set for 10:00am on Thursday 22 July 2021 depending on venue availability.
The meeting closed at 11:20am
Notes of a Telephone Conference Call meeting
held at 10.30 am on Wednesday 24 February 2021
PRESENT: Mike Ralph (Springwood) (MR)
Jeff Jacklin (Kirkheaton Con) (JJ)
Michelle Booth (Lowerhouses) (MB)
Glynis Philbin (Lindley BC) (GP)
Bob Haigh (Huddersfield Recreation Club) (BH)
BH had circulated a Finance Report prior to the meeting which showed
- a General Fund balance of £85
- a Founders Fund balance of £285
The General Fund balance includes payment of £20 for YCCGBA membership for 2021.
The Founders Fund balance includes £235 spent on purchasing the Founders Cup and engraving.
BH reported that he continues to use his personal bank account at this time as his bank was still not in a position to open new non-essential accounts.
There was a general discussion about a budget for the 2021-22 season. Some known costs were identified and BH will provide a projection of income and expenditure for the next meeting. This in turn will inform the decision on if there is the need to introduce annual League Fees to cover all costs. A number of options for covering League costs were tabled and BH will incorporate these into his projection options. ACTION: BH
Members reviewed the option for completing the League’s first season. The Road Map to Normality was published on Monday (22nd) and this provided some guidance as to when bowling might resume.
An email from Milnsbridge BC was read which indicated that they would like as soon as possible to start work on their Spring green maintenance programme. With added factors being the unknown start dates for the summer leagues and any overlap that might occur as well as the unknown process to bring greens and clubhouses back into use, it was decided, with much regret, to terminate the first league season.
The End-of-Season General Meeting is due to be held in March as per our rules. With the restrictions of the Coronavirus lockdown still in place it was agreed to postpone this meeting and merge it with the Annual General Meeting scheduled for July.
The Founders Cup has been purchased and received complete with engraving for the price of £235. This leaves £285 left in the Founders Fund for the remaining trophies.
We have been offered a Silver Plate as suitable for the Founders Plate to be awarded to the Top Bowler annually for the heavily discounted price of £45 including engraving. It was agreed to purchase at this price. That leaves a balance of £240 to purchase the Founders Shield and individual memento awards.
A discussion was held regarding the format of the competition for the 2021-22 season with the following decisions taken:
- Match days will move to Wednesdays to avoid a clash with the Hove Edge Winter League;
- The playing format will revert to the original concept of 2 x Singles and 1 x Pairs. This had been altered for Season 1 to help to preserve the social distancing required under COVID-19 controls;
- The start time for all matches will be 12noon.
Four new team applications have already been received although we haven’t yet started recruiting teams for 2021-22 season. The four being ‘B’ teams for Springwood, Thorpe Green and Rastrick, and a new team from Jackson Bridge.
Discussion was held on the dividing of teams for Season 2 and it was agreed that teams should be split on merit. This can only be done upon confirmation from existing teams about their intent for the new season as well as becoming aware of all new team applications.
There has been the offer of three more greens if required. It was agreed that 8 teams per division is the optimum number per division so permitting a maximum of 40 teams to be accommodated over the 5 greens currently available to us.
The problem of host clubs needing their teams to play all their matches at home was discussed and recognized that without such an arrangement it makes it impossible for clubs to properly host matches every week. This is further complicated if a host club has two teams in the competition. Some options were discussed but nothing can be finalised until the number of teams for the new season is known.
The AGM will hear any proposed rule changes. The survey undertaken on the website provided some guidance from bowlers about what they would like to see changed. JJ to work through these views and draft resulting changes for the next meeting of the Management Committee. ACTION: JJ
Clubs/teams are to be advised of the timetable for submitting any proposed rule changes. ACTION JJ
JJ advised members of the changes to HuddWeb which is now just for the Winter League and the Ladies Works League. The website is provided completely free of charges to both leagues.
The next meeting of the Management Committee will be held prior to the July AGM on a date still to be arranged.
The meeting closed at 11:50am
Notes of a Telephone Conference Call meeting of clubs
held at 10:00am on Tuesday 21 July 2020
INVOLVED: Mike Ralph (Springwood)
Jeff Jacklin (Kirkheaton Con)
Jim Baxter (Milnsbridge)
John Pix (Springwood)
Neale Wallace (Denby Dale)
John Sunter (Huddersfield Recreation Club)
Malcolm Waddington (Meltham)
Michelle Booth (Lowerhouses)
Glynis Philbin (Lindley BC)
John Lindley (Clayton West)
Alan Hobson (Thorpe Green)
Philip Walker (Lindley BC) left the meeting at 10.15
APOLOGIES: Kenneth Broadbent (Kirkheaton Con)
Brian Faichney (Huddersfield Recreation Club)
Tony Lockwood (Lowerhouses)
Bob Haigh (Huddersfield Recreation Club)
Tim Poulter (Clayton West)
David Blackburn (Thorpe Green)
Rastrick and Dalton were not represented
These were accepted as a true record with no amendments.
(Note 2.3) The HDVBA Management Committee had decided not to welcome the Winter League to operate under its banner.
(Note 2.4) John Pix had been invited to listen in to the HDVBA Management Committee meeting of 13 July and duly attended. John reported on his impressions of the meeting and the decision regarding the Winter League. He indicated that he wouldn’t be accepting any invitation to join the HDVBA Management Committee.
(Note 5.2) With the likely change in number of teams now on two greens resulting in a loss of revenue for the host clubs Mike Ralph outlined revised costs as agreed between Springwood and Milnsbridge. Both clubs would be looking to charge each team £10 per week (i.e. £2.50 per bowler). This would include hot drinks and biscuits and a free raffle. The other teams accepted this as fair and fees we set at this level for the first season.
(Note 5.5) Tony Lockwood was not present but had confirmed with Jeff Jacklin that he was prepared to provide a £*** donation towards the first-year costs of setting up the League. Mike Ralph indicated that he would like to make a similar donation to the League.
(Note 5.6) The rejection by the HDVBA Management Committee to welcome the new League to operate under its auspices has resulted in some uncertainty about the destiny of the new John Hoyle Cup. As John had strong ties with the HDVBA it is anticipated that the Hoyle Family are likely to want to retain that connection but we are still waiting to hear of their decision on this. In the event of that decision making this trophy unavailable to the Winter League then Jeff Jacklin indicated that he had another sponsor who could be interested in filling this gap.
Jeff Jacklin reported that since the last meeting of all clubs a further six clubs had expressed interest in joining the League. These being Thorpe Green, Lindley BC, Lowerhouses (B team), Rastrick, Clayton West and Dalton. Marsh United have withdrawn their previous application to join the League. This left 14 teams in the competition. This was regarded as an optimum number for the first season permitting two divisions of seven teams to be based on two greens. This would result in a maximum of 24 bowlers at each venue each week which kept numbers below the current Government limit of a maximum of 30 people allowed in one gathering.
Updates from the BCGBA and YCCGBA are still awaited on their guidance following the changes implemented under the Government’s COVID-19 Phase 2a guidance issued on 10 June.
The League starting up in October is still dependent on a change in the BCGBA guidance regarding visiting bowlers being able to use away greens in a competitive match set-up. This remains the only thing holding back the compilation of fixtures and the launch of the 2020 Winter League season.
The League’s application to join the HDVBA had been rejected by the HDVBA Management Committee on a 6-5 vote. Following wide discussions a vote was taken on the next steps and a unanimous vote decided that the Winter League will operate independently of the HDVBA and no further dialogue with the HDVBA would be entered into.
One amendment to Match Play Rule 3 had been suggested by Lindley BC and this now read:
Bowlers can only bowl for a club that they had represented in the previous Summer League season unless they had just become age-qualified to play in a veteran’s league or had not played for any other veteran's league team in the previous Summer League season. This rule does not apply to lady bowlers.
A further amendment to this rule was discussed and agreed and this now reads:
Bowlers can only bowl for a club that they had represented in the previous Summer League season unless they had just become age-qualified to play in a veteran’s league. or had not played for any other veteran's league team in the previous Summer League season. Teams are allowed to select one bowler in their team who has not played for their veteran’s league team. This rule does not apply to lady bowlers.
The League Rules had been compiled with the expectation that they would be overseen by the HDVBA Bye-Laws and the Winter League Rules would just provide the additional guidance around matters specific to the Winter League. With the decision now taken not to be part of the HDVBA the requirement has changed. However members agreed that this arrangement could be adopted for the first season with a major rewrite to merge the full set of rules into one document likely for year two.
With the decision taken that the Winter League would operate independently, members discussed a new identity for the League and finally agreed on a title which will be the Huddersfield Seniors Mixed Winter Bowling League (HSMWBL).
It was agreed to establish a Management Committee with three official posts which are now taken by Mike Ralph (Chairman), Jeff Jacklin (Secretary) and Bob Haigh (Treasurer). In addition, two Committee positions were agreed and taken by Michelle Booth and Glynis Philbin.
The was no further business so the meeting closed at 11:20am.
Next Meeting of all clubs still to be arranged.
The new Management Committee has arranged to meet on Monday 27 July 2020
Notes of a Telephone Conference Call meeting
held at 10:00am on Tuesday 17 June 2020
INVOLVED: Jeff Jacklin (Kirkheaton Con)
Mike Ralph (Springwood)
John Pix (Springwood)
Alan Sharpe (Almondbury Lib)
Neale Wallace (Denby Dale)
Jim Baxter (Milnsbridge)
Bob Haigh (Huddersfield Recreation Club)
John Sunter (Huddersfield Recreation Club)
Malcolm Waddington (Meltham)
APOLOGIES: Kenneth Broadbent (Kirkheaton Con)
Brian Faichney (Huddersfield Recreation Club)
Brian Swift (Marsh United)
Tony Lockwood (Lowerhouses)
Jeff Jacklin updated members with the present situation regarding the formation of the Winter League. Springwood is confirmed as the host club although Milnsbridge have also offered their green to the competition as well and this will be covered later.
Tuesdays are Springwood’s preferred date for matches to be staged.
The start date can be as soon as there is a relaxation in the rules which would allow competitive bowling and clubs should prepare for an early September start date.
Almondbury Lib have withdrawn from the League due to bowler concerns regarding their health safety means they cannot guarantee to field a full team. They have been invited to continue to attend meetings in the interim and are represented today.
It was agreed that should any item require a vote during the meeting then there would be one vote per team.
An outline paper had been circulated with the agenda for this meeting and this listed all the areas to be covered by today’s meeting.
The purpose of the meeting is to help formulate a set of League Rules to be placed before the new ruling body for approval and to be in place for the start of the first season.
Jeff Jacklin indicated that although there was no rush to finally decide on many of the items on today’s agenda one decision that must be taken to allow matters to progress was which organisation would become the League’s ruling body.
Representatives considered the four options open to them as regards which would be the over-seeing body that would run the new League.
Springwood indicated that they would not be putting themselves forward for this role as the host club. The option for an individual to act as the ruling body was also eliminated at this point.
After discussion there was unanimous support for the League to come under the auspices of the HDVBA rather than create a new body of the clubs involved in the League.
Members felt that they would like to work closely with the HDVBA and would like to see League representation on the HDVBA Management Committee. John Pix put himself forward to act in this role and this will be followed up.
Representatives agreed that this should be a League for veteran bowlers with age eligibility mirroring that of the HDVBA. A suggestion that it should be raised to 65 failed to gain support.
It was agreed that bowlers could only bowl for a club that they had represented in the previous Summer League season unless they had just become age-qualified to play in a veteran’s league.
No in-season transfers will be allowed.
Where clubs have more than one team in the League bowlers will only be qualified to bowl in one of these teams in the season.
After discussion on a suggestion that lady bowlers should be invited to play in the League the members fully supported this move. There would be no requirement for a minimum or maximum number of male/female bowlers in each team.
Starred Bowlers will be allowed to play in the League.
It was confirmed that the teams would consist of four bowlers.
After considering the implications of social distancing and member concerns about this it was agreed that matches in Year 1 would consist of four Singles games. This is a change from the previous agreed two Singles and one Pairs games. It is recognised that this will mean that matches will take longer than using the previous format.
It was agreed that points would be awarded as:
1 point to the winner of each Singles game
2 points for the better Aggregate score with 1 point to each team in the event of an identical Aggregate total. -
All games will be 21-up.
It is anticipated that the League fees will be set by the HDVBA and then that would determine any prize money to be awarded to the successful teams. Prize money was not considered to be a major driver for clubs at this stage.
Springwood indicated that they would be looking to charge £1.50 per bowler per week to cover their costs. Each bowler would receive hot drinks, biscuits and a raffle ticket for this fee. This was agreed by the representatives. Each team will be responsible for collecting this fee and paying Springwood £6 each week.
The annual fee to use Bowlsnet to manage fixtures and playing records is currently £10 for a League of this size.
BCGBA and YCCGBA affiliation fees are expected to be covered by HDVBA’s current affiliation but this is to be checked.
Tony Lockwood has confirmed that he is still prepared to sponsor the League in the opening season.
Jeff Jacklin reported that he had been approached by the family of John Hoyle about a permanent memorial to John. He had suggested them presenting a new trophy to the HDVBA which could be used to be awarded to the winners of the Winter League. Members welcomed the idea of competing for the John Hoyle Cup. This has to be confirmed with the Hoyle family.
There was some support for running team and individual competitions alongside the League programme but it was agreed that this would be left for a later decision once the number of teams was determined and the extent of the League fixture programme more fully understood. In addition the weather would always be a factor in setting the number of dates available to any programme of KO competitions.
The nine teams currently forming the new League is hardly an ideal number for running a programme where every team plays every week which is the intention. Members were informed that Thorpe Green had already expressed an interest in joining the League.
After discussion it was agreed not to recruit any other teams until the rules about the lockdown situation and social distancing were progressed prior to the start of the season.
If there are stringent limits to the number of bowlers allowed on the green at any one time then the offer to use the green at Milnsbridge becomes a major asset. Fixtures could be split between the two greens to overcome any such restrictions.
If the rules are more relaxed then there is the opportunity to open up the League to more teams. Ideally it could run to two Sections/Divisions of 8 teams in each. Promotion and relegation could be introduced.
The problem of car-sharing under the present rules was discussed and recognised that this could present a parking problem at Springwood with more cars being used. The introduction of using the Milnsbridge green could ease this difficulty as well.
Tentative enquiries from potential new teams are to be sought but no offer of membership can be made to any club until the Government rules on meeting numbers are further developed.
It had been originally planned to hold two Trial Days in preparation for the introduction of the Winter League and members would still like to do this if timescales permit.
Jeff Jacklin took to producing an initial draft of a new set of League Rules for the Winter League which will be circulated to the participating clubs for further discussion before being presented to the HDVBA Management Committee for approval. Once these rules have been circulated it is anticipated that another meeting will be required to finalise and formally approve them. This date has not been set yet.
The meeting closed at 11:30am.
Notes of a meeting held on Monday 9 March 2020 held at Paddock I&C
All ten teams involved in the Trial Days for the proposed Winter League were represented. i.e. Springwood, Marsh Utd, Milnsbridge, Kirkheaton Con, Huddersfield Recreation Club (2 teams), Lowerhouses, Denby Dale, Meltham, Almondbury Lib
Trial Days
Jacks and scorecards to be provided by Springwood.
Shortage of parking places at green so teams agreed that each team would use one car only for greenside parking.
Ten 4-man teams playing 1 x Pairs and 2 x Singles.
Aggregate score to determine winner. In the event of a draw then most games won will identify winning team. All matches 21-up.
Cost of each Trial Day to be £1.50 per bowler (£6 per team) and this to include tea and biscuits and a 50p raffle ticket with three prizes to be won.
Captains to collect their team fees and pass on to Springwood on the day.
In the event of bad weather Springwood will determine if green playable or not. Each team provided a mobile phone number which would be used to text any cancellations directly to that team. Teams then responsible for informing their own team members.
Match Format
Printed copies of match format circulated and agreed (copy at back of these notes).
Format may be changed for Week 2 of trial following experiences of Week 1.
Match playing order designed to ensure that there are not 5 pairs matches on the green at the same time.
Members took threat of coronavirus seriously and agreed
a) to heed guidance to be issued by HDVBA (copy at back of these notes).
b) Springwood will provide bucket(s) of water at start point for the washing of the jacks at any time during the day.
Longer-Term Matters
Springwood indicated that Mondays are not suitable for playing of matches should the League start in October. Preference for Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
Springwood indicated that they would be looking for a 2-3 week break between the end of Summer competition and start of Winter league to undertake remedial work on their green and prepare for Winter League season.
Agreed that Bowlsnet would be used for any League competition. Cost of £10 per season for a 10-team league.
Tony Lockwood had offered to provide some sponsorship of the League and this will be explored further if the League competition goes ahead.
Question asked who would run the League. Currently seen as being four options;
a) The Veterans League Management Committee
b) The host club (Springwood)
c) The member clubs involved in the Winter League
d) A nominated individual -
A set of rules would be required to be in place for an October start.
If more than 10 teams interested in playing in a new Winter League consideration to be given to having two divisions playing on different days. Springwood may have reservations about the increased wear and tear on their green.
Suggested that a different start point should be identified each week to help even the wear and tear of the green.
Next Steps
Trials Days to go ahead on 23 and 30 March with a 1pm start time on 23 March. Start time for Week 2 may change depending on Week 1 experience.
Soon after completion of the two Trial Days a meeting of participating clubs would be held to decide if the 2020 season should start in October or not.