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56 Entries for Pairs KO as first deadline looms

Winter League

We now have 56 entries (112 bowlers) for the first staging of the Winter League's new Pairs Knock-Out competition. That is a great response but typical of the Winter League bowlers to join in another day of bowling out in the winter air. The Division 3 qualifying round will be the first to begin the ball rolling in finding the first 2 of the 16 bowlers who will progress to the Round of the Last 16.

Two bowlers from each of the eight qualifying rounds will find themselves in that position and today we list the 9 entries to date coming from Division 3 teams. There is still time for any late entries with the final closing date being Wednesday 4 December when Competition Secretary John Pix will be in attendance providing and accepting completed entry forms. Alternatively you can complete our online entry form (at the foot of this posting) by 5.00pm on Wednesday 4 December.

Five of the Division 3 teams have representatives entered so far. So let's hear from the other three teams before the closing date. It is another day out in the fresh winter air among like-minded bowlers having a cuppa and a bowl. What else would you want to do?

Below is the list of the 9 entries from Division 3 teams received to date.

The closing date for more Division 3 entries is Wednesday 4 December

Just 10 days to go before the first closing date in this year's Pairs KO. Division 3 bowlers have until Wednesday next week to beat the closing date deadline. So time to pick your partner and get that entry submitted. If you intend entering then there is no time like the present and it has never been easier. There is an online entry form at the foot of this posting or get a paper copy at your weekly matchday venue.

We are hopeful that the Milnsbridge Friday League will reschedule their rearranged fixtures now set for Friday 20 December as this has produced a clash with the Division 1 qualifying round. It is hoped that they will be shifted to Friday 3 January which is another clear date in their programme. It is then anticipated that this will clear the way for some more entries from Division 1 bowlers in the Pairs KO. Just over 2 weeks to that 18 December deadline so things need to be sorted soon.

There are different match dates and closing dates for each division's qualifying round as shown in the table below. This table also shows the number of entries to date for each of the 8 divisions

All rounds of the competition including Finals Day will be played at Thorpe Green

Just a reminder ....

Each division will have its own Qualifying Round with the top two pairs from each division progressing through to the Round of the Last 16. All matches will be played at Thorpe Green. Pairs are competing for the Robert Hitchen Cup which has been donated to the League by Elland WMC in respect of their stalwart club member.

Bowlers must have played at least two League matches to qualify to enter the competition. The clock is ticking on the qualifying end dates, so make sure that you get your two games in so you have the option to play in the first-ever staging of this new competition.

Before entering make sure that you and your partner are available to bowl on the Qualifying Round dates as well as the 14th & 21st February which are the dates of the Last 16 and Finals Day.

With two qualifying pairs from each of the eight qualifying rounds we then move on to the Round of the Last 16. This will be played at Thorpe Green on Friday 14 February 2025. The eight winners will then progress through to Finals Day which will again be held at Thorpe Green on Friday 21 February 2025.

Here are the main pointers as to what this competition is all about.

  • Each of the 8 divisions will hold its own qualifying round

  • The top two pairs from each qualifying round will progress through to the Quarter-Finals

  • The top 8 will then progress through to Finals Day

  • All matches will be played at Thorpe Green

  • The qualifying rounds will start in December and be held on 8 Fridays

  • The Division 1 qualifying round will be held on 20 December to avoid a clash with the Friday Milnsbridge League which has a blank day on that date

  • Pairs bowlers must bowl for the same team in the League

  • Bowlers must have played a minimum of 2 Winter League matches before the date of the qualifying round to qualify to enter

  • Entry fee of £3 per bowler

  • Division-based handicaps will come into play from the Quarter-Finals

  • Handicaps will apply to all rounds for Inter-District and County bowlers

  • Handicaps will apply to all rounds for Thorpe Green club bowlers

  • All matches up to the Last 16 will be 15-ends or 21-up whichever comes first. In the vent of a draw after 15 ends one further end will be bowled to determine the winner.

The handicap system is primarily Division-based and provides the following results:

Inter-District and County bowlers - start on Scratch 0

Divisions 1 & 2 +1 handicap

Divisions 3 & 4 +2 handicap

Divisions 5 & 6 +3 handicap

Divisions 7 & 8 +4 handicaps

Thorpe Green bowlers are minus 3-2-1 handicaps

The Entry Form below can be used to complete your entry for any division bowlers. If you wish to pay by BACS then the details are included in the email forwarded to you upon completion of your entry.

The Winter League WhatsApp Group is open for members to share views and comments on the new competition. You have to be a HuddWeb member to be invited to join the WhatsApp Group. Become a HuddWeb Member Ask to join the WhatsApp Group

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