Club News
It may not have been the best of seasons for the Almondbury BC teams (who these bowlers all play for) in the Veterans League but they have completed a great double in the Heavy Woollen Monday Afternoon League.
The team won the Division 2 title by 12 points (Aggregate For totals determine winners in this League) and then went on to win the Division 2 Cup by the massive margin of 119-67. The first team photo below is the Cup winning team complete with trophy whilst the second photo is of the League winners, which if you look carefully is exactly the same six bowlers.
The League Table and Cup Final scorecard are both below as well. I am grateful to Robert Tracey for forwarding me this memorable reminder of the good days this summer.

(Left to Right) Robert Tracey, Richard Brook, John Clarkson, John Hodgson, Terry Machen, & Simon Neve. Non playing captain, Andrea Machen
You have a fair point there, Jeff. But I really like how it would have effected Division 4 with both Kirkheaton C&B C and my team Hudd Rec taking over the promotion places. I might vote for that in future meetings. LOL
That is only because Lowerhouses and Lockwood Con agreed a 0-0 scoreline for their final match of the season cancelled because of the weather. If they had actually played the match it would have been a surprise if Lowerhouses didn't get the 56 points they needed to win the aggregate score as well as the points score.
That scoring system would have had a serious effect on the HVBA 10 man league.
if I understand it correctly Longwood would be champions