Winter League
The Winter League tries very hard to be different to other bowling competitions in a positive way. For example:
It plays outside during the winter months;
It welcomes mixed-gender teams;
Divisions are dedicated to one green;
4 matches play simultaneously on each green;
It is a Team-based competition, not Club-based;
It is open and transparent in all its affairs publishing all decisions and paperwork;
It is working towards being a totally paperless league;
It has the cheapest entry fees of any League;
It doesn't pay prize money to competition winners;
It is expanding with an increasing number of bowlers and teams every year;
League Officials in attendance and accessible at every match.
The League is always looking to improve the matchday experience for bowlers and spectators and last year experimented with coloured armbands for bowlers in the Winter Cup Finals Day. The League is looking to build on that experience by taking the matter a stage further.

The League has written to all teams asking if they would be prepared to support a new initiative in helping the identification of teams and bowlers on the green. This involves the wearing of loose-fitting coloured tabards by bowlers on the green. These would be introduced along with match scoreboards to be updated every five ends by the markers.
Should the teams support be forthcoming then a Trial Day will be held at one green in the New Year on a normal League matchday. The combination of the tabards and scoreboards will help everyone to be fully aware of the state of play in any game on the green.
Teams have been asked to respond before Christmas to the request to support this development. Should the teams back the proposal then plans will quickly follow in selecting a date and venue to hold the Trial Day in the New Year.