Winter League
All the matches scheduled for Milnsbridge yesterday were postponed following an early morning green inspection in heavy rain with more forecast. The green was deemed to be dangerous to bowlers with a very soft surface which would also have led to further damage with 32 bowlers walking across it for a few hours. These matches are being rearranged and those new arrangments will appear on our Bowlsnet pages as they are finalised.
Although all the 8 team captains were contacted by 9am the news didn't appear on our website as I was on the road most of the day without internet access and completely oblivious of all the happenings although not surprised that the weather won on this occasion..
However a full 4-match Division 2 programme was completed at Springwood with a full review to be posted here shortly. In the interim here are a dozen photographs taken by Mike Ralph to keep you going and recording the presence of our bowling teams on a miserable weather day.
Click on any image to enlarge