Winter League
Plans are being drawn up for the 2025 Winter Cup competition which last season attracted 154 individual entries. With two extra Divisions involving 10 new teams means the likelihood is that this total will be at least matched again this season.
However demands on their green means that the Division 5 Qualifying Rounds at Lindley Lib will be played on Friday 3 January. That in turn means that the closing date for entries is Thursday 2 January. Paper entry forms are available at Lindley Lib on the League matchdays of 11 and 18 December. Alternatively you can use the form below to complete your entry now.
Whichever way you decide to enter the competition you will not be entered in the draw until your £3 entery fee has been received. Cash on 11 or 18 December or you can make a BACS transfer to the League's account and the details are. Name: The Huddersfield Winter League
Account No: 64667778 Sort Code: 40-25-10
Entry forms for all the other divisions will become available in the New Year once the playing dates are confirmed by each of the host clubs. It is another day of Winter bowling on a green you have bowled on all Winter against bowlers you play against every week.
The top two qualifiers will go through to the Round of the Last 16 to be played at Netherton Con on a date to be finalised. Get your entry in now if you are a Division 5 bowler.
If you have any problems accessing this form try this link to take you to an alternative version.
Marsh United bowler Julie Mallinson won the 2023-24 title in a great Finals Day at Lindley Lib dominated by lady bowlers and we look forward to another great climax to this year's competition from the massive number of bowlers we are expecting to be entered..