Winter League
Tickets for both of this season's end-of-season Presentation Parties are now available. As last year the Parties are being split into two separate events on different days. We have to split them between two host green clubs as no one venue can accommodate the numbers that want to be at these events.The first being the Party for teams from Divisions 5,6.7 & 8 which will be staged at Netherton Cons Club on Friday 21 March from 1.30pm. The format will be similar to previous years in that it will include a professional entertainer, probably a Play Your Cards Right interlude, a raffle as well as pie and peas served up.
The Party for teams from Divisons 1, 2 3 & 4 will be held on Friday 11 April from 1.30pm at Lindley Liberal Club with a similar format with a possible new variation of stand-up bingo involved. Book the date of your preferred event into your diary now. Some teams will want to attend both events to enjoy the celebrations with teams they have met every week through the season and maybe also to support one of their other club teams in the other divisions' Party. You are more than welcome to attend both.
At both events the presentation of the trophies for the Champions from each of the four divisions will be made along with the four Top Bowlers awards. Admission will be by ticket only and these are now available priced at £5 each. Use the online booking system at the end of this posting to secure your places at the party.
Bowlers as well as their partners, supporters and family are all welcome especially for those receiving awards for their season-long endeavours. We will be looking towards team captains to ensure that all their bowlers are aware of the appropriate Party and offered tickets. As in previous years, teams will have reserved tables to ensure that all team members can sit together but it makes it easier if as many tickets as is possible are booked at the same time.
Six tickets are reserved for each of the 8 Division team winners. Two tickets are reserved for each of the eight Division winners of the Top Bowler award. They are only reserved up until 7 days prior to the party. You can buy more than your reserved number if more are still available.

Payment may be made by BACS direct to the League's bank account which is:
Name: The Huddersfield Winter League
Account No: 64667778
Sort Code: 40-25-10