Club News
Following my plea for teams to send in their team photos to share with all our readers I am grateful to Richard Pearcey for sending me this photograph of a selection of bowlers from the Greenhead Park 10-Man League and 6-Man League teams. They had gathered together to celebrate and publicise the community funding they had received from ASDA.

Has your Veterans League team had a good season?
Has your team won a title or KO competition?
Has your team done really well to avoid relegation?
Even if your team has been relegated we still would like to share a copy of your team photo as we head towards the end of the summer season. Maybe you took one earlier in the season that is worth sharing.
The last week of the season is probably the last chance you are going to have to capture the photographic memory of the 2024 season. Get the smartphone out and take a couple of team photos then send them on to me at or use the Contact Us facility on the website