HuddWeb Masterclass

Over the years of supporting bowling websites I have been asked many questions and challenged to overcome numerous technical problems. Some of them have been quite easily resolved and have enhanced the user's experience of these websites as a result.
I decided it was time to share a number of these solutions and routines and I have classed them under the headings of MasterClasses. There are two categories of MasterClasses and these cover the two major system associated with Huddersfield crown green bowling - HuddWeb and Bowlsnet. Over the coming weeks I will be sharing some of these routines with you that you can all implement for yourself.
Whether you are looking to show Singles, Pairs or Combined Averages in Bowlsnet or wondering why that useful notification email alerting you to a new HuddWeb posting has stopped working, then we have the answers for you to these and a number of other tips. I will endeavour to keep these tips up to date as new releases of Bowlsnet have a habit of changing how things work.
Let us start today with HuddWeb MasterClass No.1 which covers how to avoid always searching for HuddWeb on your mobile phone rather than having a one-click link always waiting for you.
HuddWeb MasterClass No.1 How to pin HuddWeb to your Android phone home screen
(Last updated on 5 January 2025)
You can use any browser (I use Chrome) to create a shortcut:
Go to on your browser
Tap the three dots in the top right corner to open the menu
Select 'Add to home screen'
Type in a name for the shortcut (e.g. HuddWeb)
Tap Add
The shortcut will appear on your home screen like any other app shortcut or widget. You can drag it around and put it wherever you like. Shortcuts with the Chrome logo will open in Chrome.
This procedure works for any website not just HuddWeb. Try it for Bowlsnet as well.
Just do the same as above but substitute Bowlsnet for HuddWeb.
There is also a video on YouTube that takes you through the above stages as well.
I am sure that there is an ipad equivalent but I am not an ipad user. Perhaps an iPad user can enlighten us with the routine to pin HuddWeb or Bowlsnet or any website to the home page. It probably isn't too dissimilar to the Android version.
Let me know and I will add it to the Masterclass records.
HuddWeb MasterClasses
How to add HuddWeb to your Bookmarks on your laptop or PC How to switch on or off daily email notifications of new HuddWeb postings
Get more information about the latest picture on the home page
Bowlsnet MasterClasses
How to view Bowler Averages by Division or by team and by Singles, Pairs or Combined
How to add Bowlsnet Winter League instant access to your mobile phone home screen
How to have your own personal playing record of all the leagues you bowl in
How to show league tables in more detail or basic information
How team captains can use Bowlsnet to have instant bowler availability information