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Late rush of teams to join Winter League

Winter League

There has been a late rush from teams interested in joining the Winter League for the 2024-25 season which starts in October. There are six confirmed new teams joining the League and a further expressions of interest from three more teams, including one from Lancashire, which may or may not lead to full applications. Teams have until midnight on Monday 1 July to get those applications submitted to ensure that the bowling season becomes the all-year-round sport that so many bowlers are now accepting as the future for them.

We are hopeful that all three expressions of interest will develop into full applications which would take the total to 9 new teams only one short of the 10 new teams target which we are still hopeful of reaching. Ten new teams would take the total to 64 teams which would result in 8 divisions of 8 teams in each, which would be our ideal model. Even six more teams would see the League's standing as the fastest-growing league in the country confirmed.

Here is a brief look at what winter bowling is all about:

  • teams are made up of 4 bowlers who can be of any gender

  • matches are played of 2 Singles and 1 Pairs games

  • bowlers must have passed their 60th birthday to qualify to bowl

  • you don't use your own green in the League as each division is allocated a host green that they play on all season

  • teams play once a week on the same day of the week throughout the season

  • matches are played on Mondays to Thursdays

  • matches are played from October to mid-February

  • there is a two-week break over the Christmas period

  • League fees are £15 per team per season

  • weekly match fees are £12 a team (£3 per bowler) which all goes to the host green which covers green fees, raffle ticket, hot drinks and biscuits for each team member.

  • hot drinks along with hot and cold food are always available for spectators at a modest charge.

The closing date for new team applications is Monday 1 July which is less than 2 days away. If you want to learn more about the Winter League then please read 'The Ultimate Guide to Winter Bowling' which will answer many of the questions you are likely to have. Then if you are still interested or have more questions for us then please get in touch by contacting the League Secretary Jeff Jacklin on 07968 171 197 or by email at We look forward to hearing from you before the deadline.

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