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Management Committee finally meets

Writer's picture: Winter LeagueWinter League

Updated: 32 minutes ago

Winter League

After two cancellations the League's Management Committee finally met on Monday to discuss some pressing issues. With half of the League's teams in action on the same day it was a depleted attendance of nine that assembled to discuss matters. None more pressing than new General Rule 15 which has been widely misinterpreted by many and needs clarification.

This is the new General Rule 15 A host green team cannot be relegated from the division it plays in unless it opts to do so. In addition any team can elect not to be promoted but all its players will begin their games on minus 2 points in the following season. Should they again win promotion the following season then the handicap will be doubled to minus 4 points in each game and doubled each subsequent season.

A proposal to address the complexities of the rule with a resolution to make the Management Committee responsible for any bids from teams not to be promoted or relegated was eventually supported with a 7-2 vote in favour. Therefore at the end of the season any team that wishes to refer to the rule will have to submit a written bid by a set deadline date. That will then be considered by the Management Committee who will rule on the outcome for each submitted case.

The meeting started with an explanation for the Chairman's absence from the meeting explained by his resignation from the position. The work has now started in finding a replacement and anyone interested in learning more about the role is encouraged to contact either the Secretary or Treasurer as a first point of contact. Contact details being Secretary Jeff Jacklin (07968 171 197) or Treasurer Bob Haigh (07818 056 236) or you can use our email contact point.

The business meeting opened as is traditional with a finance report from the Treasurer which showed a healthy balance of £1,194 which is more than adequate to cover all planned expenditures for the rest of the season.

A copy of the distribution of league trophies was tabled with the offer of 5 new trophies already received including one from the departing Chairman. Mike Ralph offered to sponsor a new trophy which has been gratefully accepted. There were also offers of new trophies from Bob Swan (the Tedbar Tinker Trophy), Elland WMC (the Robert Hitchen Cup) and two more from Peter Swinden. Peter marked the arrival two years ago of his first grandchild by donating the Lily Rose Trophy to the League. By doing so he had set a precedent and with two more grandchildren following has kindly repeated the offer again. The Robert Hitchen Cup is earmarked to be awarded to the winners of the new Pairs KO competition whilst the other four new ones will be shared out among the Division Champions and Top Bowlers of the two new Divisions 7 and 8.

The end-of-season Presentation Events were also discussed. Last year we staged two such occasions. With demand high, one event was held for 75 attendees from the top three divisions at Lindley Liberal Club and another for 120 party-goers from Divisions 4,5 and 6 at Netherton Conservative Club. With two more divisions this year and 10 new teams joining the League the intention is to stage two such events again with the awards ceremonies to divide the eight divisions into two equal halves. Any of the host green clubs interested in hosting a presentation event should contact the Secretary by the end of this month if they wish to be considered.

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