Winter League

As one season ends planning for the next season begins. With already two new team applications received for the 2025-26 season and 6 months to go before the closing date it is fully expected that the League will be adding a Division 9 to the programme next season. That in turn means that we will be looking for another host green.
Team applications tend to increase once the Summer bowling season starts up and teams regroup as the matches start to roll in and bowlers start to catch up with each other. The same applies to new host greens coming forward as clubs come together, hold their AGMs and see the state of their balance sheets and concerns multiply about the continuing viability of some.
An expected income of between £2.500 and £3,500 for a 14-weel winter season for holding once a week matches has become a financial life-line for some clubs. Maybe the same could apply to your club. Whilst the financial aspects of such an arrangement tend to be the driver to enter in the first place that usually moves on to become something more as clubs begin to realise that it is much more than that.
Anyone who has experienced being part of a Winter League matchday will endorse the view that such days have become more than just a day of bowling matches in the middle of winter. As well as being a financial life-line for some clubs they have also become a social life-line to many individuals. During the shorter daylight days when darkness comes too early to prevent a feeling of loneliness to many the opportunity to meet and talk with like-minded individuals has become an important building block to surviving through the winter months.
Couple that with a hot meal for £3, a chance of a raffle win whilst enjoying the banter and bowling that inevitably go together, has become a day out for many. There are bowling matches to enjoy every weekday from October to February. Some spectators turn up for 5 matches a week, some are more selective, all are worth experiencing. It is unusual to see less than 45 people around the green on matchdays and if the sun should shine during our milder winters then crowds of 70 are commonplace. Most venues provide heated clubhouses which accommodate for some on the colder days with hot drinks on tap to keep you going.
Any club interested enough to want to know more should read our 'Ultimate Guide to Winter Bowling' and then if you are still interested then please get in touch to learn more.
Inevitably your greenkeeper may have concerns about the extra activity on your green affecting the prime summer scene of a freshly cut green. Ask any of our nine host greens (8 Division host greens plus Thorpe Green as the Pairs KO host) and learn of their experiences. Anyone who tells you that winter bowling is destroying greens for the summer season ask them for proof of that. Then ask any of our host greens the same question. Saying no to winter bowling is as outdated as the opposition to Sunday bowling was 20 years ago. Soon crown green bowling will be recognised as an all-year round sport if it isn't already. It is as inevitable as more mixed-gender leagues are.