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Rose Bowl Finals Day today

Veterans League

The top individual honour in the Veterans League competition calendar is the Rose Bowl. For more then 50 years it has been known as The Examiner Rose Bowl but that all changes this year with a renaming to the Peter & Judith Muff Rose Bowl after a very generous donation bequeathed to the Veterans League in Peter Muff's will.

The reigning Champion is Graham Hirst from Lowerhouses and he has to face the 2019 runner-up Tony Butterfield from Kirkheaton Con in the quarter-finals.

Handicapping always brings an edge to the competition and with five Scratch bowlers in the last eight the bar has been set high but none of them will relish giving 6 chalks start to any bowler that has progressed this far. It all happens today at Netherton Con from 1.30pm and it is always a good day's bowling.

Quarter-Finals G Senior (Kirkheaton Con)(Scr) v R Auty (Broad Oak)(+6) A Carter (Marsh United)(Scr) v R Hartley (Waterloo)(+2)

T Butterfield (Kirkheaton Con)(Scr) v G Hirst (Lowerhouses)(Scr) A Wike (Longwood)(Scr) v D Lomax (New Mill)(+6)

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