Well Bowled Fantasy League
Springwood's John Gatenby joins teammate Mike Ralph at the top of the latest Fantasy League table after moving up 5 places over the past week as they go head-to-head for the £100 first prize..
After the next set of Tuesday results have been added to the table we will be opening the Transfer Window for 5 days. This is where each entrant can ditch any of their underperforming teams and replace with an alternative from the same division. But you only get a total of three transfers to last you the season. More details below.
How the Fantasy League works:
Entrants pick a team in each of the 8 Divisions in the Veterans 10-man and 6-man leagues. Every point their 8 selections win goes towards the individual's total. Most points at the end of the season wins the prizes.
Entrants are allowed 3 transfers over the course of the season. There are transfer days at the end of each calendar month when punters can swap an under-performing team out and replace with a different team from the same division. They can swap as many as they like out in any month but they only have a total of 3 transfers that can be used during the season.
A season-long competition with a £100 Well Bowled Sales Voucher to the end-of-season winner. Then there is £40 for the runner-up and £20 for third place.
I am indebted to Well Bowled of Luddendenfoot for their continuing support of the unique Fantasy League competition. If you need any crown green bowling equipment your first port of call should be Well Bowled.