Well Bowled Fantasy League
The Fantasy League Transfer Market is open and you have 5 days to make one change to your line-up before the start of the June fixture programme. You are allowed to drop one of your current 8 teams and replace them with an alternative selection from the same division. Your current selections are listed at the foot of this posting. To make a change of selection just email jefftheref2000@yahoo.co.uk stating:
Your name
The Division of the team you wish to drop (e.g. 10-man Division 1)
The team you want to drop (e.g. Lockwood Con A)
Your replacement choice (e.g. Marsh United A)
If you don't have an email address then please use this form to give us the same information.
That email must be received by 12noon next Monday 6 June for it to be actioned.
The points of your previously selected team will be frozen and credited to your score.
The points of your newly selected team will be added to your score from next week (you do not get credited with any team points gained before the transfer).
These are the current selections of all 62 entries are below (they are in your club order).
The May transfer changes are highlighted in red.
If you have a Lucky Dip selected entry then do not expect the Lucky Dip to make any transfers on your behalf. You are on your own now and you have to make your own transfers. The last two columns show your Tie-Breaker selections for the monthly draw and for the end of season tie-breaker.