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Bowling News

The Hindsight Poll - 2. The Clubs

Bowling News

We ran this 18-Question Poll, which closed on Friday, to put you in the unique position of being able to make decisions with the gift of hindsight. We repainted decisions that bowlers, clubs and leagues had to make at the beginning of the season and challenged you to decide if they were the best decisions made at that time. We received 36 entries with most of you answering all 18 questions.

We are now reporting back on the findings in three reports - one each about The Bowlers, The Clubs and The Leagues. Today is Feedback No.2 on The Clubs where we asked you 5 questions mostly about how safe bowlers felt in returning to bowling when they did. Here is a summary of the answers to each of the questions.

  • To the question when did your club reopen to members, 65% said that the green had been reopened as soon as the lockdown was eased and guidance issued from the BCGBA about the rules around a return to bowling. A further 13% indicated that their club didn't reopen until the bowling season started with league fixtures. Leaving 22% who said that their club reopened after the guidance had been issued but before the season started.

  • There was no vote submitted to indicate that any bowler didn't feel safe upon their return to bowling. Over 60% said that they felt very safe with the rest divided between 'quite safe' and relatively safe'.

  • We asked if the feeling was that clubs visited were 'usually' taking bowlers safety seriously and 50% said that they were with a further 25% of voters indicated that they regarded clubs were taking bowler safety seriously 'every time'. The remaining 25% experienced a 'hit and miss' attitude to bowler safety or only felt safe at some of the clubs they visited.

  • Voters reported that 78% of the clubs entered all the leagues that they would usually compete in meaning that 22% didn't compete in all their usual leagues. Of those 7% said that their clubs didn't enter due to safety concerns of their members with 15% saying that some leagues were not operating as normal so their clubs withdrew their teams from those competitions.

  • We asked 'With the gift of handsight have you any comments you would like to add about how clubs handled the return to bowling in 2021?' and these comments were received.

  1. I think most things went well

  2. Some clubs had to be prompted that an approved Covid risk assessment/plan was a requirement to enter teams in leagues. A few clubs went through the motions of doing the assessment but did not put into practice what they promised in the submitted assessment.

  3. Happy all the clubs I bowled at handled the return very well

  4. Very good as I’d expect from the older generation in following rules and guidance

  5. Most handled it very well

  6. No Comment

  7. No

  8. My club handled it very well, cannot comment about other clubs

  9. Disappointed with teams dropping out of leagues.

  10. Leagues should have been more positive and less tentative

  11. Everything was fine

Tomorrow: 3. The Leagues Report 3 on how you feel, with hindsight, the Leagues responded to returning to normality.

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