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The Winter Cup update

Updated: Feb 10, 2022

Winter League

Includes list of all entries up to 5pm on Thursday 3 February

The introduction of the new Winter Cup for Winter League bowlers has been well met with 35 entries so far. Individuals will be competing for the brand new trophy generously funded by Garry Senior and Tony Butterfield of Kirkheaton Cons.

You can enter using the online form at the foot of this posting or you can enter on any matchday at any of our three greens. However, with the season drawing to a close anyone thinking of waiting for matchday is urged to do so sooner rather than later.

It is a brand new competition for individual bowlers who have played a minimum of four league matches over the course of this season. An entry fee of £3 per bowler is being levied.

It was hoped to run the competition as part of the League season but we ran out of time so the whole event will be completed over the first two weeks in April. In future years we expect to build the competition into the fixture programme during the winter season.

The format is that there will be three qualifying days - one for each division of the League to be staged on the usual home green of that division. The dates have now been agreed for these straight knock-out days and the entries to date are as follows:

Division 1 - 1.00pm Wednesday 6 April at Milnsbridge BC

Lorraine Hirst (New Millers)

Linda Gledhill (New Millers)

Shirley Dillingham (New Millers)

Lynda Drury (New Millers)

Peter J Thornton (Lindley BC A)

Ken Ellis (Lindley BC A)

Glenys Philbin (Lindley BC A)

Edwin Haigh (Clayton West)

Martyn Skuse (Thorpe Green A)

Tim Poulter (Clayton West)

Tony Lockwood (Lowerhouses A)

Garry Senior (Kirkheaton Con)

Tony Butterfield (Kirkheaton Con)

Adrian Cooper (Kirkheaton Con)

David M-Jones (Clayton West)

Mick Chapman (Lowerhouses A)

Malcolm Gilbert (Clayton West)

Graham Hirst (Lower Hopton) Graham Berry (Lowerhouses A)

Julie Best (New Millers) Julie Mallinson (New Millers) 21 entries

Division 2 - 1.00pm Thursday 7 April at Springwood

Barry Gibson (Meltham)

Mike Ralph (Springwood)

Donald Crowther (Almondbury BC)

Allen Chapman (Meltham)

Richard Brook (Almondbury BC)

Adrian Frain (Springwood) 6 entries

Division 3 - 1.00pm Friday 8 April at Thorpe Green

David McClean (Thorpe Green C)

John Sunter (HRC B)

Neil Croasdell (HRC B)

Ed Day (HRC B)

Richard Walker (Brockholes)

Karen Rause (Lindley BC B)

Peter Fuller (Lindley BC B)

Steve Haigh (Lindley BC B)

Irene Haigh (Lindley BC B)

Josephine Bradley (Brockholes)

Derek Crawley (Lowerhouses B) Janet Hayden (Lindley BC B) 12 entries

Entries last updated 5pm 3 February

The top two bowlers from each of the three Qualifying Rounds will progress to Finals Day along with the two best losing semi-finalists. Finals Day will be held at Milnsbridge BC at 1.30pm on Thursday 14 April. All the Qualifying Rounds will see all bowlers bowling off Scratch. Handicapping will be introduced for Finals Day with the Division 1 qualifiers playing off Scratch, Division 2 qualifiers will be plus 2 and the qualifiers from Division 3 will be plus 4. All matches will be 21-up.

There is a charge of £3 per bowler to enter the competition. This covers the green fees and light refreshments for both the Qualifying Round and Finals Day. There is also a contribution to the purchase and engraving of a memento for the winner. No cash prizes are to be awarded in year 1 of this competition.

The closing date for entries is Tuesday 22 March 2022. Entry forms will be available at each of the three Winter League greens until the end of the Winter League season. Just complete the form, pay your £3 entry fee and you are in. Alternatively, complete the online entry form below and pay your entry fee by cash or by BACS transfer. No cheques please as banks now make a charge for every cheque presented to them. The League's bank account details for all BACS payments are Sort Code: 40-25-10 Account No: 64667778. Please ensure your name is submitted along with your BACS payment.

THE WINTER CUP ONLINE ENTRY FORM If for any reason the form isn't working for you please try this direct link instead.

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