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Two more new teams for Winter League

Winter League

There have been this week two new team applications to join the Winter League. A 4th team from Lindley Lib who will be named Lindley Lib D and a 2nd team from Broad Oak who will become Broad Oak B.

These two can be added to the late entry previously received from Primrose Hill Lib for a B team to join the League for the new season. That takes the total number of teams in the League to 64 hitting the target of 10 new teams we set ourselves. That means that we are now in a position to produce a League of 8 Divisions with 8 teams in each Division with 8 host greens already in place.

The 8 host clubs have canvassed for a League of divisions comprised of eight teams which produces an 14-week season which is the preferred length of the season for most host greens. Last year we had 6 Divisions with 9 teams in each. A total of 54 teams producing an 18-week season for each division.

The League's AGM is tomorrow (2 August) starting at 9.30am at Netherton Con when the format and make-up of the 8 divisions will be shared with the clubs for their ratification.

The Agenda and papers for the meeting have already been circulated to all 62 teams in the League for the coming season. In our quest to be totally transparent and open in all our dealings copies of the papers can be viewed below.

As well as the Agenda there is a Financial Statement for last season along with 4 proposed rule changes that will be voted on at the meeting. Any proposals only need a majority vote to be approved. One proposed change is expected to result in some divided opinions and that covers the proposal to reduce the number of teams to be promoted and relegated each season to be reduced to one of each from each division. One up, one down.

Unlike many local leagues we do not harbour cash reserves 'for a rainy day' as most days in the Winter League season are rainy or frosty or very very cold. That results is a modest amount of money in our bank account as seen in the statement below. One of the League's prime purposes is to provide an income over the Winter months for our host greens which is much more important than measuring any league success in monetary terms.

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