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Bowling News

What is 'Bowls Bash?'

Bowling News

We keep hearing that crown green bowling is not attractive enough to increase the involvement of today's youngsters. Doubters claim that matches are too long, bowlers are not involved all the time, the format does not match what youngsters expect to get out of an outdoor sport, it's not colourful enough and spectators are not kept up to date with match scores throughout a game.

Similar points have been levied against Lawn Bowls as well but Lawn Bowls has set about addressing these concerns with the introduction of a 'Bowls Bash' format. Basically it is there as an option to address one of the major perceived problems listed above. Shorter games are seen by some as being the answer to some of the problems.

So what is a Bowls Bash in Lawn Bowls and could it be adopted and adapted to benefit the Crown Green version? Have a read of this.

In a hurry?  Not a problem!  Remember that this is outline for the Lawn Bowls version.

A Bowls Bash match lasts just an hour, and here’s a quick guide on how you play the game.

  • 2 teams of 2 – Reds and Yellows

  • 3 bowls each player per End

  • 5 Ends complete a Set

  • 2 Sets complete a Match

  • Scores 1-1, or both sets tied, a tie-break (TB) determines the winner

  • Decide which team goes first

  • Players take it in turns to deliver their bowls closest to the Jack

  • Closest bowl 3 pts, second 2 pts, third 1 pt

  • Your bowl touches the Jack (a Kiss), 2 pts bonus

  • Each team can nominate 1 Power-Play End per Set, which scores double

  • The player who scored 3 pts places the Mat and starts the next End

  • Tie-break is 1 bowl per player, nearest bowls to the Jack wins. Time to be a hero!

  • Any bowls in the Ditch do not count

  • If the Jack is knocked out of play, it returns to the Spot

Well with a bit of thought it seems to me it could be introduced into the crown green version with some of the rules amended, discarded or not required. Is this the way to go?

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