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Yorkshire CCGBA advertise major new role

Bowling News

Yorkshire County Crown Green Bowling Association (YCCGBA) is advertising three new positions with applications now invited for all three. The three roles are:

  • YCCGBA Development Officer

  • Yorkshire Ladies County Secretary

  • Yorkshire Ladies Competition Secretary

More information is available on the YCCGBA website but for now I just want to concentrate on the major role of the Development Officer and will cover the other two posts shortly.

I know that Steve Cochrane the CEO for YCCGBA has long been campaigning for funding to support this position and views this as a most important appointment. Some funding has been made available by the BCGBA and Steve is hopeful that this will be increased next year. Some YCCGBA funds may also be used to support the work of the postholder which could amount to a total package approaching £1,000 plus expenses over the year.


The role of the County Development Officer is to promote the sport, throughout the County, with the aim of supporting member Clubs to improve participation numbers and memberships (of all ages). The role is exceptionally varied in how this will be achieved, but ensuring the County is viewed as ‘Active, Modern and Accessible to all’ will assist Club’s in achieving their goals.


Roles & Responsibilities


·       Act as a spokesperson for the County and represent it locally, regionally and nationally as required.

•        Form relationships within the Districts to support Member Clubs with the goal of recruiting members from their local communities.

•        Create and implement membership recruitment strategies.

•        Take the lead in promoting the club in the local community

•        Create marketing information which assists in the promotion of the sport, and affiliated Clubs, within their local communities.

•        Support Member Clubs to run Bowls Open Days, inviting potential members to come and experience bowls but also to see what their Clubs offer to the community. 

•        Facilitate the loan of County Coaching equipment to Member Clubs for Bowls Open Days, and support wherever possible with Coaches.

•        Support affiliated Clubs to create, and maintain, a register of key relationships (e.g., Schools, local groups/sports clubs, local ‘Centres of Excellence’, local/national funding opportunities, etc…).

•        Support affiliated Clubs with advice around obtaining grants for their own projects.

•        Ensure the County is modern and able to adapt to changes in society to meet the needs of existing and potential members.

•        Support all facets of the sport within the County. This would include grass roots through to full County representation, as well as Junior bowling through to Veterans.

•        Create a County Development Plan, and strategy, to ensure long term stability and ultimately growth of the sport.

·       Build relationships with other County Development Officers and BCGBA Representatives to ensure that best practices are shared.

·       Regularly attend Executive Committee meetings.

·       Report to the Executive Committee on progress to the Development Plan, and changes made where appropriate.

·       Liaise with Coach Bowls to ensure that all current coaching practices are updated and maintained.

·       Work closely with the County Safeguarding Officer to ensure that member Clubs/Leagues are set up correctly to develop.

·       Act in the best interest of all affiliated members at all times.

·       Communicating to affiliated clubs, either directly, or through the County Secretary.

·       Have a good working knowledge of the County Regions, Bye Laws, policies and procedures, as well as the roles of the Executive Committee.

·       Regularly liaise with the Executive Committee to ensure they receive assistance and support, as required, and that the Executive Committee report to member Clubs on a regular basis.

·       Ensure compliance and legislative obligations are met and the County meets its Safeguarding requirements.

·       Facilitate discussion, maintain focus on agenda, and ensure fully informed decision-making takes place at all County meetings.

·       Undertake the role in good faith and honesty.

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26 de jul.

This is a mammoth job possibly the most important given it’s major responsibility of promoting the sport of crown green bowls. It seems to me that much assistance and support will be required and a lot of the first year will be taken up forging links and relationships with appropriate Leagues, clubs etc.

There’s about a dozen major roles and tasks. Each one will be a difficult challenge.

This surely isn’t a job for one person- a voluntary one at that for a nominal £1,000 fee.

Anyway good luck to the successful applicant and I hope he ( or she?) receives all the support needed.

Philip of LINDLEY

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